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YMYL and EAT: What They Are and Why They Matter for Your Website

Website authority and trustworthiness are critical components of online success. As search engines prioritise high-quality, credible websites, website owners and creators must understand the concepts of YMYL and EAT. In this blog post, we’ll look at what YMYL and EAT are, how they’re related, and why they’re important for your website.

What Is YMYL and Why Does It Matter?

YMYL is an acronym that stands for “Your Money or Your Life.” This term refers to websites that provide information that has the potential to affect a person’s financial or physical well-being. Medical advice websites, financial planning websites, and legal advice websites are examples of YMYL websites.

Google places a high emphasis on YMYL sites because the information presented can have a significant impact on a person’s life. As such, these sites are held to a higher standard of credibility and quality. If a YMYL site provides inaccurate or misleading information, it can have severe consequences for the user.

For website owners, neglecting the quality and credibility of a YMYL site can result in a drop in website traffic and ranking. It’s essential to prioritise accuracy and reliability when creating and maintaining YMYL content.

EAT: What It Is and Why It Matters

EAT stands for “Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.” This term refers to the standards Google uses to measure the credibility and quality of a website.

EAT is proposed by Google in its algorithm and is mentioned in Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines.

To establish EAT, website creators must demonstrate expertise in their field, authority in their industry, and trustworthiness through their content and website experience. Google uses several factors to measure EAT, including user reviews, social media presence, and backlinks.

Establishing EAT is crucial for website credibility and SEO. Websites with high EAT are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages and attract more traffic. On the other hand, websites with low EAT may struggle to gain visibility and user trust.

The Connection Between YMYL and EAT

YMYL and EAT are interconnected. A YMYL website with a high EAT is more likely to rank well in search engine results and attract user trust. On the other hand, a YMYL site with low EAT may struggle to gain visibility and user trust, even if the content is accurate and reliable.

For website owners, this means it’s crucial to prioritise both YMYL and EAT when creating and maintaining a website. Neglecting either factor can result in negative consequences for website credibility, SEO, and user experience.

Search engines prioritise high-quality, credible websites, and website owners and creators must understand the concepts of YMYL and EAT. In this blog post, we’ll look at what YMYL and EAT are, how they’re related, and why they’re important for your website.

Why YMYL and EAT Should Matter to Your Website

YMYL and EAT should matter to your website for several reasons. First, prioritising YMYL and EAT can help improve website ranking and visibility in search engine results. Websites with high EAT and quality YMYL content are more likely to rank well and attract user trust.

Second, YMYL and EAT can affect user experience. Users are more likely to trust and engage with websites that prioritise accuracy, reliability, and user experience. Neglecting YMYL and EAT can result in negative user experiences, which can harm website credibility and user trust.

Finally, neglecting YMYL and EAT can result in severe consequences for website owners. Inaccurate or misleading YMYL content can harm user health or finances, resulting in legal or ethical consequences for website owners. Low EAT can result in negative user reviews and social media feedback, harming the website’s reputation and user trust.

Tips for Improving YMYL and EAT for Your Website

To improve YMYL and EAT for your website, consider the following tips:

  • Create high-quality, accurate, and reliable content.
  • Establish expertise and authority through content and industry involvement.
  • Build trust through user experience, including clear website design, easy navigation, and user feedback mechanisms.
  • Earn high-quality backlinks from reputable sources.
  • Ensure accuracy and reliability of information by fact-checking and citing sources.

By prioritising these tips, website owners can improve YMYL and EAT, leading to better search engine ranking, user trust, and credibility.


To conclude, YMYL and EAT are important factors in website authority and trustworthiness. Website owners can improve website credibility, user trust, and search engine ranking by understanding these principles and prioritising accuracy, reliability, and user experience. Neglecting YMYL and EAT can have serious consequences, including harm to the user’s health and finances, legal or ethical ramifications, and negative user experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is a YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) website?

A YMYL website is one that provides information that can have an impact on someone's financial or physical health, safety and ultimately on their happiness and well-being.

How does Google calculate EAT?

Google evaluates EAT by taking into account a number of things, including customer reviews, presence on social media, and backlinks.

What are some good strategies for establishing expertise and authority on a website?

Creating high-quality content, participating in industry involvement, and earning backlinks from credible sources are all ways to establish expertise and authority on a website.

Can ignoring YMYL and EAT have an impact on my website's search engine ranking?

Yes, ignoring YMYL and EAT can have a negative impact on website ranking and visibility in search engine results.

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